My brother, my parents, and Kathy HAD to call and tell me yesterday I turned 26. Thanks, folks.
Listening to:
"Will I?" by Ian Van Dahl
"Witch Doctor Remix" <----I hate to admit it, but this one's awesome.
My brother, my parents, and Kathy HAD to call and tell me yesterday I turned 26. Thanks, folks.
I went into the ER last night for whatever it was I had last night, and let me tell you... not fun. I had to sit there in this uncomfortable bed for more than three-four hours waiting for lab work with a needle in my left arm.
I am sick as a frickin' dog today. I have been vomiting since I started the day, and of course, me being the dumb one that I am, decided to play basketball in the middle of the day because I felt better. BAD idea. Although I hit the game winning shot in the first game, I showed up and people were driving by me like Midtown traffic.... when I came home I dropped into my bed.