Monday, June 21, 2004

I am sick as a frickin' dog today. I have been vomiting since I started the day, and of course, me being the dumb one that I am, decided to play basketball in the middle of the day because I felt better. BAD idea. Although I hit the game winning shot in the first game, I showed up and people were driving by me like Midtown traffic.... when I came home I dropped into my bed.

It's too bad because I think I found my court... it's not far from where I live on Riverside. Nice bunch of guys that play there.

If I feel better tomorrow morning, I want to head onto the subway. My mom actually wants to take credit for this idea and I guess I will let her have it (even though the idea had crossed my mind). I am basically going to do the subway hopping thing from door to door on the Red Line all the way down to the Financial District. My only concern is whether or not I should stay on the Red Line or jump on the Blue Line (due to the fact that the Blue Line is right underneath Ground Zero). I think that one day I should stay on the Red Line and then on Thursday consider jumping on the Blue. Those are really the two major ones, although the Green Line DOES go down there. The Yellow Line actually goes there as well I believe (is the Cordlandt Street stop on the yellow?).

Regardless, if I feel better, i'm going to be up bright and early.

BTW, Lindsey Clayton... thanks for the card. We've been through hellfire and brimstone together and it's nice to know that we still love each other... even though the thought of throwing one another off a cliff had crossed our minds at one point. ;)

I love you too. Thanks for the birthday wishes.

Signing off... ok, tomorrow, I'll do an audioblog.


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