I haven't really felt like writing for awhile now. I haven't written anything in some time... nothing for Nine 11, nothing for personal benefit. I have been more interested in survival and the need to attempt to turn my life around. So I figured I would keep this journal abreast on the offchance that someone in New Hampshire might actually still be reading this.
1) Congratulations to Mark and Ken for winning the "Matty" Award in 2005. I was humbled by the fact that I was asked to give the introduction to the "Matty" Award to these two guys. I'm working feverishly to finish the first Nine 11 script and music for 9/11/06 so that these guys can produce it.
2) San Francisco is, by far, my favorite place on the planet. There is no place I would rather be right now than San Francisco, and I am working my ass off with the hope that, within a year or two, I can start a new life there. New York's pace is more to my liking, but San Francisco's pace is as close to New York's as any city I've visited, as well as the fact that the climate is to die for. That is my next stop.
3) I'm in love again. I want this to be my last stop. I love you, Justine. =)
4) I still can't beat four songs on DDR Max. I've definitely cut the time I've been playing down drastically... but I don't think that it's so much that I'm not able to beat these levels. The problem is I haven't been concentrating on those specific levels. Plus, when the summer comes, I'll be running a lot more so my stamina will be up.
5) I've been sick for, what is now approaching, two months. I have been diagnosed with Walking Pneumonia, a pain in the ass that, if not treated, can eventually choke you to death. If you have a persistent cough, go see a doctor.
Congratulations to my sister, Mandy, and her husband, David, who gave birth to a beautiful boy, Owen.