Sunday, June 27, 2004

My word of advice for the day: Never eat funnel cake before playing the high levels of DDR Max. You'll be giving it that old college try in the funcan.

The DVDs are finally done. Now all I need is someone to buy a couple. They actually look amazingly professional... best DVD I've ever seen come out of pro or community theatre in NH. The menus look sweet and the case is high quality too. I have a Flash Page going on to promote it, and as soon as I figure out what's wrong with my Actionscripting for it, it'll be completely finished. I actually think I came upon a bug in Flash. There are other ways to get around it.

I finished my new resume, which can be found at

Man, I have a lot to do... a Matty Gregg DVD, the Matty Gregg site, freelance work for ImpactPixel, and Nine 11. I wish Nine 11 was number one on that list, but in order to live and be able to finish out this lease, I need the $.


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