Sunday, November 21, 2004

A Moment
From Nine 11: The Musical - written 11/21/04

Come down from the swirling wind,
And hear me play.
The heart cries,
The piano sighs,
As it sings away.
And its breath can turn my head, if only for a moment.
If only for a moment.

Placed out. Spaced out,
My fingers cry.
They need to touch,
As they miss you much.
They save my eyes.
But I can't close my eyes tonight, not even for a moment.
So, song, hold me for a moment.

My sadness sleeps as the ivory caresses my mind.
A flat can bring me to a calm as the sharps are so unkind.
But both can make me natural and take away the pain.
To forget about the love I lost, I simply... refrain.

Night leaves. Dawn comes.
I start to stir.
My life's a blur.
But I'd rather feel you gone than feel nothing this moment.
Feel the pain this moment.


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