Saturday, July 17, 2004

So I signed up for the Beyond the 11th bike ride from Dover, MA to Boston, MA... thanks, mom, for telling me about this ride... it's really an interesting concept and idea, and I've never felt as strongly about a cause (except for Nine 11, of course) than I do about what they're doing. They're fighting without the use of force, but with the use of direct help. There's no better weapon in the world to combat ideology, as Dr. King's legacy has showed us.

I think, next year, I have an inkling to sponsor a run from Boston to New York City... I'm still considering how I would go about doing it.

If anyone reading this is interested in sponsoring the cause, please log onto

I really would love to raise 10,000 for the cause. It really possesses an amazing quality about it.

That's all for tonight. =)


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