Before I begin writing this, I wanted to show you what your generous contributions have done for the Beyond the 11th organization:
The top five riders are listed in order on the top right. We are currently listed as number four.
This is an amazing accomplishment, with more time to continue and complete this. As of right now, I have another $1,000 guaranteed from a wonderful company who deserves a lot of the credit for the success of the NH Theatre Awards. They will be announced publicly as soon as the timing is worked out.
For those who have believed in me and my crusade to obtain funds for this organization, I thank you more than words can comprehend. I only hope that you trust me that the work being done by Susan Retik and Patti Quigley will benefit all of us in the long run.
We started riding at around 11:30, and for biking approximately 200 miles, Susan and Patti looked relatively energetic. You can not understand the amazing impact that this organization has had on their community around the Boston area. There were hundreds upon thousands of people who were rooting us on the entire 40 mile journey.
We were aided by the Boston College biking team who took it upon themselves to stop traffic when our police escorts were overtaxed. They were wonderful in setting the pace for us, and incredibly encouraging to those who were not as physically able to keep up with them (namely, me! =)).
Coming into Commonwealth Avenue, there was a water break where we all stopped and put on Beyond the 11th shirts to show a uniformity upon entering the Boston Commons. I stayed on the side quietly, sitting down at a tree and watching the people. As a few others had come in, I noticed a small boy pedaling with the crowd. I could not help but pause and watch him. He was working harder than any of us grownups to complete this journey due to his size, and he was giving it everything he got.
As I stood there and listened to the applause that this small child was given, I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. 30 years from now, nobody will remember this moment, but they will remember where they were 33 years ago. This moment, however, is equally as important as the striking images of the towers. This boy was giving every breath he had to championing this cause, and the fight to make the response to September 11th the right one was embodied in him. I captured it in my mind, and it will become a theme of Nine 11; it was more powerful than a plane being flown into the tower, and if used properly, will move men in the right direction.
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